Buy Books by Kathleen J. Shields – Get imagination!

Author Kathleen J. ShieldsWhen you Buy Books by Kathleen J. Shields you gain adventure and excitement. You’ll get to escape into a world of fun and enjoyment. You’ll gain super powers, the ability to do things you can’t do. Be inspired! Laugh out loud and in the next sentence cry happy tears. Plus, learn something new without even knowing it!

A book by Kathleen J. Shields is designed to help you escape the harsh realities of the world and become a kid again (unless you are a child – then you’ll get to remain a child for a little longer). My books are an easy read- impossible to put down – page-turners that will leave you longing for more.


  • Enjoy reading with a paper book in your hands? The smell of the new crisp pages wafting into your nose? I’ve got paperbacks.
  • If you enjoy reading by the soft white glow of an e-reader, able to enlarge the font to best comfort your eyes, I’ve got e-books.
  • Got Amazon Prime membership and want to save on shipping costs,?I’ve got links to Amazon.
  • Want to support the big box bookstores? I’ve got links to Barnes and Noble.
  • Plus, the coolest thing I’ve found so far – Magic Blox! They combine the e-book with the audio book to make an interactive platform that reads children’s books to the child on their tablet. Remember those books that came with records, and when you heard the ding you turned the page? Just like that – except digital! If you haven’t heard of Magic Blox for your toddlers, take a look!